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Solör Bioenergy acquires Vasa Värme and thus continues the Group’s defined growth strategy
Solör Bioenergy Group announced today that it has acquired Vasa Värme. Vasa Värme comprises of six renewable district heating power plants in Sweden and accounts for an energy delivery of approx. 140 GWh. Vasa Värme delivers renewable energy to approx. 1 000 customers in Sweden.
“With this acquisition, we are executing our defined growth strategy within renewable district heating in the Nordics”, says Martinus Brandal, Chairman & CEO of Solör Bioenergy.
“The acquisition is the next step in accelerating our growth strategy as well as strengthening our position as a leading provider of district heating in this market.”
“Going forward, we are operating in 81 municipalities in Sweden and 17 municipalities in Norway, and we deliver safe and clean energy to the highest ESG standards. We will continue our M&A strategy with small and mid-size acquisitions”, says Brandal.
For more information, contact:
Martinus Brandal
Chairman & CEO, Solör Bioenergy Group
+47 916 30 060
Florian Raitner
CFO, Solör Bioenergy Group
+41 786 79 8844
Stockholm, June 3, 2020
Solör Bioenergy Group
Solör Bioenergy Group provides essential energy services in Sweden, Norway and Poland. The Group produces wood-based bioenergy for the public and private sector including private households, municipalities, industrial customers and local/regional governments. The annual energy delivery amounts to approximately 2.5 TWh and the Group has approximately 9,800 customers and the equivalent of 190 500 users. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden.
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Solör Bioenergy Group är en ledande aktör inom förnybar energi baserad på trädbränslen med 156 500 användare varje dag. Vi finns på 141 platser i framför allt Sverige och Norge där vi producerar och distribuerar fjärrvärme, ånga och el till bostäder, företag, offentliga verksamheter och industrier. Vår verksamhet omfattar även energiåtervinning av impregnerat trä och produktion av biobränsle. Genom att ta tillvara på skogens resurser vill vi bana väg för ett hållbart samhälle med minskade koldioxidutsläpp.